Missed Opportunity

Derek Kidner writes in his commentary on Psalm 93:1-2: “True to Israel’s faith, the psalm reaches back to the Creator himself for what is everlasting, not to the seeming eternity of the earth.”1 This reminded me of a lab session in my Physics class in college, and a missed opportunity.
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Deep Thoughts

Speaking of God, Psalm 92:5b says “Your thoughts are very deep!” Something about the wording made it stick out to me. I think my first reaction was “well duh, of course they are deep.” The sentence seems simplistic, but I like it! It piqued my curiosity: What does “deep” mean in the Bible? I expect it to mean what the English phrase suggests, but maybe there’s more to it, so let’s do a word search and see what comes up.
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I am no Morning Person

When do you read your Bible? For now, I will simply assume that Christians should read their Bibles regularly and frequently (on the practice of the church devoting itself to the Word, I’ve found Acts 2:42 convincing). But when? In light of our busy lives, some may recommend spending time in God’s Word anytime you can, and if the choice is between not reading at all and reading, I will second that recommendation. That is, please just read it whenever you have time!
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Blessings in Isolation

Last week, Tim Challies posted an article about missing the ordinary means of grace in this time of isolation. You should read it, it is good; but to summarize it briefly, he wonders if the feelings of increased stress, fear, and anxiety may be related to the absence of some of our ordinary means of grace. We were never meant to live and worship alone, so this current situation is not normal, not best, leading to increased anxiety.
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Serve One Another

“Papa, why are you so good at doing things, like folding laundry without complaining?” I was watching a movie while folding and putting away laundry when my son asked me this question. Caught a bit by surprise, I answered that there are probably things I do complain about, but that it’s not really that big of a deal to put away laundry, because it has to be done anyway. Plus, if I not only put away my laundry but also my wife’s, I will have blessed her and she’d be happy. He pondered the seemingly novel idea of doing something to make someone else happy, and left.
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I Long for Heaven

Do you long for heaven? Curiously, what makes me most frequently long for heaven is waking up in the morning to get ready for work. Not because my work is particularly bad or, really, for any other reason than that I am still tired and already look forward to rest again. Eventually I wake up all the way, go through my morning routine, and start work, my mind now engaged otherwise and no longer lamenting my weariness. Other situations make me wish for Jesus' prompt return. A tragedy caused by natural disaster, some wicked crime reported in the news, or maybe the bliss of knowing God in a brief moment of extraordinary spiritual clarity.
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An Introvert at Church

My wife and I are introverts. Not the stare-at-our-shoes kind of introvert, or the slightly less awkward stare-at-your-shoes kind of introvert. We are social, high-functioning introverts and enjoy being around people. But it drains us, and we need people-free time to recharge.
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Book Review: Weakness is the Way

“Weakness is the Way” is a short book expositing 2 Corinthians, examining weakness in the Christian and pointing to the hope we have, with an unexpected (to me, though I am not sure why) but fitting chapter about giving. Due to its brevity it is more a compass than a travel companion, but gives many opportunities to pause and ponder.
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